The Lion King is a Walt Disney Masterpiece released by Walt Disney Pictures in 1994. This American animated musical drama film was produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation. It was produced by Don Hahn and directed by Roger Allers and Rob Minkoff, and screenplay credit goes to Irene Mecchi, Jonathan Roberts, and Linda Woolverton. There were many people who were involved in creating the story and also the film as a whole. To see who was involved, you can read the list at this link. (Click the word, link) The Lion King was the fifth film that was produced during Disney's time period known as the Disney Renaissance. The film became popular very quickly and all over the world and was praised for its music, story, themes, and animation.
Composed by Elton John, with lyrics by Tim Rice, produced by Chris Thomas.
This song, Can You Feel the Love Tonight, won the Academy Award for Best Original Song at the 67th Academy Awards in March 1995. The song also won Elton John Grammy Award for Best Male Pop Vocal Performance. In the movie this song takes place when Simba and Nala are older and finally reunite again. Timon and Pumbaa, Simba's close friends start the song with recognizing what is happening between Simba and Nala, they are friends reuniting which quickly turns into a romantic evening in the jungle and you can tell they love each other. Timon and Pumbaa show their concerns in the beginning of the song, worrying that they will lose their friend due to romance with Nala. Then in the song, Simba questions whether he should tell her about his past and Nala questions why he won't be the king she knows he can be. During the song, Timon and Pumbaa try to find ways to break the two lovebirds apart but end up failing each time. Then the song ends with Timon and Pumbaa crying over losing their careless free days with their friend Simba. So this song in the scene is Timon and Pumbaa trying to keep Simba and Nala apart but then they realize that they can't and there is just no stopping Simba and Nala's love for each other. The lyrics in this song are sweet and lovely with Simba and Nala's thoughts about each other. But with Timon and Pumbaa's part in the song, it's their thoughts on how they are sad for they are losing their friends. The instruments in this song are played with a lot of fortepiano, the instruments will play in piano for awhile and then break out into forte giving a very dramatic effect. The choir also adds more of a dramatic affect with their adding of the vocal harmony.
Final thoughts
I think this song is so sweet with how they are expressing their thoughts in the song and how their friendship turns into a romantic evening in the jungle. Also in a way, you feel for Simba's friends Timon and Pumbaa because they see that their careless free and fun days of just the three of them ending. So this song represents a transition in the movie from being young and having all of the time to play with your friends to growing up and finding a love and growing a relationship with that person. I believe that was the deeper message that was delivered during this song. I thought the lyrics were beautiful and sad, and I thought that the instruments and vocal harmony tied so well together. This was one of my favorite songs in the movie. I am a huge sucker for love and romance.
Freakin' out on the Interstate-Briston Maroney I first came across this song this past summer. I was immediately drawn into the chords of the song and the chill vibes it gave. The lyrics have so much depth behind them and that also drew me into loving it so much. I am a sucker for sad music, even when I am not sad at all. I've been through a lot in life though I am young, so I feel understanding/empathic often towards others. I can appreciate sad music though I'm not sad because of being able to relate/understand. Freakin' out on the Interstate is sung by Briston Maroney, and he wrote the song as well. Freakin' out on the Interstate -Briston Maroney 2018, USA. My thoughts I love indie rock and I think he expresses himself so well through his singing, the chords of this song, and the meaning behind the lyrics. I love to listen to this song and just vibe to it. It was definitely my go to song to play while boating the Unalakleet river this past summer. Lyrics In th...
Hi, my name is Jewel. My significant other(G) and I have three teacup yorkies named Elle, Leo, and Lulu. My dogs are my world. I am going to school full time right now, in hopes of getting my Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education. When I'm not doing school work you can find me in the kitchen baking or outdoors. Our (G and I) lives revolve around subsistence seasons and we absolutely love it. I love music and of course certain kinds. I typically go into phases of music that I like and right now its early 2000s hip hop and R&B. But I really love classic rock, and recently G has gotten me to like country. Growing up band was important to take so I grew up taking band and played flute for four years and then percussion for one year. Attending band festivals were so much fun and definitely a highlight of my high school activities that I got to participate in. I've only been to one concert and it was in Seattle for Post Malone. It was so much fun. Here are some photos and a li...
Conversations in the Dark-John Legend I absolutely adore this song in so many ways. I was first introduced to the song when my SO and I were on a cruise in Cali. The song had just come out and I didn't know a thing about it but my SO played it for me and I found that to be the sweetest thing. Conversations in the Dark was written by John Legend, Gregg Wattenberg, Jesse Fink, Kellen Pomeranz, and Chance Pena. It was produced by Gregg Wattenberg and Pom Pom. Conversations in the Dark by John Legend 2020, USA. My thoughts The lyrics in the song is what do it for me. They are so personal for me with my relationship. To have a love like this is so special and really it's everything. Also another aspect is what John Legend chooses for the music video, home videos of couples. That's so authentic. I love the piano in the song and how soft the melody is. How the song is pieced together is beautiful and I still cry sometimes while listening to the song. It is just that special...
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